
Showing posts from September, 2018

Introduction // Nothing Normal

Friends and family, Many folks say that Public Accountants make the best bloggers. To clarify, nobody has said that. Yet . But on the off-chance that this thing ever goes viral, I would like the *credit* for being the first to make such a declaration. And for everyone keeping track, please note that it took a mere 3 sentences for the first accounting pun to appear. For much of my life, I have tried to pick up journaling. At the start of each new year, while the rest of the world headed to the gym, I would be rolling up to Borders (R.I.P.) to buy a new notebook. I would get home and passionately start to fill up the pages, bragging to friends and family how I would have a treasure-trove of memories to look back on when I got old and turned 22. But like clockwork, after about a month, I would get busy, forget an entry, and ultimately toss my journal in a drawer somewhere. My aspiration to document the important moments was there, but my committment to keeping a journal was not. And now