
Showing posts from October, 2018

2. Best Friends with the DoorDash Drivers

My dear readers, After my first entry, where I detailed a chronic inconsistency with journaling and resolutions, I bet you were all pretty surprised to see a Part Two. Shock the world, I guess. It took a little longer than I would have liked, but I’m cautiously optimistic that any of you were truly waiting on the edge of your seat for this to drop.  That being said, I did receive some pretty positive feedback after my introductory entry. One friend gushed, “I didn’t even know you could write, that’s great!” while another praised, “It was actually sort of funny, I was pretty surprised!” You know what they say, low expectations yield high results. If you’re like me, a human being who interacts with other human beings, you've likely noticed that every small-talk interaction starts out with a version of “How are you?” Hopefully some of you can relate. But I've recently come to realize that nearly every time I answer this, I include some variation of the phrase, “I’ve b