
Showing posts from March, 2019

5. Can You Help Me With My Taxes?

Hello Friends, Someone recently asked me what the best month is. I think most people are inclined to say the month that they were born, because humans are funny and vain like that. But when I thought about it, I realized that my favorite month is actually March. Weather that starts to look more like Spring, a seemingly-endless slew of college basketball and people who pick teams based on mascots destroying your meticulously crafted bracket, and the return of the dangerously delicious and unhealthy Shamrock Shakes at Mickey D’s. This year, March also marks the return from my publishing hiatus. For those of you who are blissfully unaware, January through February is a special time for accountants. It’s the time where we strap on our pocket protectors, put new batteries into our calculators, and prepare for the inevitable Vitamin-D deficiency that comes from spending endless hours in a windowless audit room.  This time is affectionately known in our industry as “Busy Season”. Mo