
Showing posts from May, 2019

6. Farmer Danny vs. The Weeds

Dearest Readers, As I've mentioned before, when I first moved into my new place, I decided to take on the rewarding, fulfilling, and life-giving hobby of gardening. And these words were an accurate depiction of my gardening experience for the first 80 days or so. Things started off smoothly; I built a "raised bed", bought some plant food, and started throwing every seed I could find into the planter, with no regard for spacing or breathing room or any of that nonsense. At the time, this seemed like a sound idea. "Shoot your shot" as they say in the business. However, this “hobby” (likely as a result of my haphazard planting strategy) has since morphed into a perplexing, time-consuming, and unruly amalgamation of overcrowded vegetables and weeds.  Every week I take a picture of the latest "thing" that has sprouted up and send it to my green-thumbed friend to ask what it might be. She often provides sound advice like “Try smelling it” or “Does it