
Showing posts from January, 2019

4. The Guy Who Talks at the Library

I love New Year’s resolutions. They’re great, because they make it socially acceptable to ask people who you don’t know very well about their personal lives. Topics that are normally taboo - fitness goals, lifestyle goals, vegetable goals - become fair game in the world of question-asking. It also opens up a whole new world of conversation topics at work, like how the Instant Pot should be in the running for all-time greatest invention, or how Goodreads will soon eclipse LinkedIn as the premier social media platform for young professionals. Both of these hot takes were my own, but I think at least one of my co-workers is on board. There are a lot of people who don’t buy into the hype of making New Year’s resolutions. I was waiting in line at the library the other day, and I turned to the girl in front of me wearing a Berkeley sweatshirt and asked her if she had any resolutions for the year. Great small talker, I know. After she realized that I, a random stranger, was actually ask